Nail scissors aren’t a new thing when it comes to grooming essentials. Clippers and other trimmers can fail you, but you can always count on a good pair of nail scissors.
It’s not every day that you’ll land something reliable and today I’ll review the seven best nail scissors that you can consider. Apart from the nail scissors reviews, I’ll also help you know how you can use them effectively and the factors to consider when you’re out shopping for nail scissors.

Whatare Nail Scissors?
- 0.1 Whatare Nail Scissors?
- 1 How toUse Nail Scissors like A Pro
- 2 Reviews of the 7 best Nail Scissors to buy
- 2.1 Erbe Stainless Steel Nail Scissors
- 2.2 Erbe Stainless Steel Combination Cuticle and Nail Scissors
- 2.3 Erbe INOX Stainless Steel Extra Pointed Cuticle Scissors
- 2.4 Tweezerman stainless steel nail scissors
- 2.5 Mont Bleu Nail Scissors
- 2.6 Coco’s Closet Premium Cuticle Scissors Curved Stainless Steel
- 2.7 Coco’s Closet Nail Scissor Trimming Scissors
- 3 Howto Choose the Best Nail Scissors
- 4 Conclusion
Sometimes one might get confused when they see several scissors that are usually featured in manicure sets. In such instances, nail scissors are usually the ones with long and wide blades, so watch out for these two distinguishing features. Compared to their counterparts, it is nail scissors that guarantee you the smoothest shearing cuts with minimal damages caused on the nails.
How toUse Nail Scissors like A Pro
Soakyour nails. Forget about what they say about nailsbending when trimmed after they’re soaked.Soft nails trim with much ease, especially when they’re brittle or tougher.However, this might not be necessary for finger nails, especially if you have asharp scissor.
Cutin straight motions. This is what will give you evenand clean cuts, without going deeper in some sections. It also helps eliminate occurrencesof ingrown nails which can initiate pains at the edges. As you trim, make sure youround the edges to keep the nails strong.
Cutin bits. Using nail scissors require a lot ofpatience, therefore don’t be tempted to eliminate the grown edges all at once.This could strain the scissors, andmostly those with smaller blades which can break easily.
As a safety measure, always remember to sanitizeand clean your nail scissors before using them, especially if it’s a sharedpiece. And to avoid straining, it’s good to develop the habit of tending toyour nails frequently without having to wait until they’re overgrown.
Reviews of the 7 best Nail Scissors to buy
Erbe Stainless Steel Nail Scissors

Here’s something for those who have beendisappointed by other trimmers like struggling to make clean cuts. With this,trimming your nails shouldn’t be a problem because it cuts easy and smoothly. Sayno more to twisting blades and forcing cuts even for those firm toe nails.
The construction reveals a carefullycrafted metal with a steel finish that improves on durability and performance. Thisis therefore a pair that will unlikely get ruined, when maintained as required.It’s also safer to use after having a bath or shower without the fear ofbending your nails or missing ingrown nails, and this is because of howaccurate it is.
Erbe Stainless Steel Combination Cuticle and Nail Scissors

This isanother nail scissor ethically made from Germany, so quality isn’t even aquestion. It strikes with the unique look and feel that reveal nothing butquality. This is also the reason why it’s relatively pricey, but the betterpart is that it’s a true value for money. You won’t have to sharpen it byyourself because the blades are sharp and unbelievingly sturdy.
It’s an addedadvantage to those with tough and thick nails which usually break blades whenusing nail trimmers of questionable quality. Using them is effortless and howevermuch it seems smaller than other products on the shelves, it maintains an ergonomicdesign that fits different hands.
Erbe INOX Stainless Steel Extra Pointed Cuticle Scissors
Here’s thefinal product from Erbe that we’ll review today. It’s highly recommended forthose with dry cuticles who usually go through hassles when looking for nailscissors. Sometimes the only option is usually to go for high-end productswhich in the end guarantee quality. One of the unmentioned things about thisErbe brand is that it’s quite versatile and can still be used to remove noseand ear hair, provided that you’re careful enough.
Oneprecaution is that this item is quite sharp, and therefore one has to be careful,especially when using it around the cuticle area. Similarly, it’s not advisableto leave it exposed to moisture for prolonged hours because this could leave itsusceptible to rust, irrespective of the fact that it’s stainless steel.
Tweezerman stainless steel nail scissors
TweezermanScissors is a must-have tool for any beauty bag. The pair is relativelysmaller, making it easier to carry along so that your grooming won’t stop justbecause you travelled. They’re quite reliable, with minimal slipping whentrimming. This therefore reduces chances of accidents especially when using iton toddlers.
As ittrims nails meticulously accurate, it’s also recommendable for eyebrowstrimming. In the package also lies a brow brush, making this item a deal of alifetime. The blades here are sharper than what some brands offer and addingonto that is durability achieved by the heavy-duty metal used in itsconstruction.
Mont Bleu Nail Scissors
Here’ssomething made in Italy and sharpened in Germany, meaning that the standardsand materials used during its manufacture and processing have unmatched quality.The design reveals a corrosive-resistant steel with nickel coating to ensurethat what lands to consumers is a durable product.
Away fromthe quality, the construction is also lightweight and shaped in an ergonomicdesign, therefore it’s suitable for everyday use. Unlike other fiddly compactscissors, Mont Bleu nail scissors are averagely-sized to fit different types ofhands. Something unique about it are the curved blades which literally makes iteasy to tend to your nails whether you’re at home or on the go.
Coco’s Closet Premium Cuticle Scissors Curved Stainless Steel
When itcomes to versatile grooming products, Coco’s closet carries the day with thismulti-purpose professional scissor. Other than trimming the nails, you cancount it when looking for something to remove hang nails, cutting dry skin,keeping the cuticles smooth and shaping eyelashes. Evidently, this is a handyproduct that you shouldn’t miss out on given that it has blades that cut easilyand precisely.
Theeasy-to-clean blades are also resistant to stains, rust and corrosion, and withfrequent sanitization, the nail scissors will stick around for quite some time.Its design is sturdy and precise having been made with surgical-grade stainlesssteel. It’s the same that keeps it in a good shape, provided that it’s perfectlystored when not in use.
Coco’s Closet Nail Scissor Trimming Scissors
This professionally-curved nail scissors is equally a great choice for both thick and delicate nails, meaning that it can be used for finger and toe nails. If you need to remove, trim or cut thick or ingrown nails, this is the best choice for you. It’s the brand that has the types of clippers that can handle ingrown and thick toe-nails.
Its versatility extends to personaltrimming, cutting facial hair and even brows, and this is all thanks to itssharp and sturdy construction. The finger holes come in a 3.5 inches size andan ergonomic design that covers most people. You shouldn’t worry about rustingbecause what has been used here is quality stainless steel that makes itdurable and rust proof.
Howto Choose the Best Nail Scissors
- Edges
Sometimes it doesn’t matter when or how thescissor is assembled because at the end of it all, perfection is all thatmatters. Be keen on the joint and shank areas to ensure that whatever you haveisn’t overly rounded. Both halves need to be shaped and matched perfectly. Thescrew also has a role to play here because its shape and finish need to matchthe curved handle.
- Sound
With scissors, the sound you hear whenopening and closing the blades credits or discredits perfection. While holdingit against your ear, what you’re supposed to hear is a smooth and gentle sound,and nothing hitched, gravelly or rough.
- Feel
This is dictated by the curve adjustmentwhich in the end determines how the blades glide on their flat sides. If it doesn’tfeel smooth, or you experience some hitches, it means that they are touching onthe sides, implying that either the curve adjustment or tension could beincorrect. This in turn minimizes its durability, in that the blades willwear-out quickly with constant grinding against each other.
- Tension
Trimming accuracy depends on how properly thescissor is tensioned. This is figured out by checking how loose they are whenfully opened exceeding the operational size. That kind of looseness is supposedto disappear once you re-position it, so if it doesn’t, then you’ll probably haveto deal with loose scissors.
Another way to see how loose the scissors are is by checking the extent to which it closes. A good pair is that with blades which don’t close beyond the cutting point. Therefore, you should reconsider your choice if the sharp edge extends beyond this point.
Buying a descent pair of scissors is one thing and keeping it that way is another different thing altogether. This involves proper cleaning and maintenance habits like frequent lubrication, and also using it the right way by following the steps I have mentioned.
With this, you’ll experience minimal breakages or malfunctions, making the nails scissors durable. As usual, I have to recommend one, and the product of the day goes to Coco’s Closet Premium Cuticle Scissors Curved Stainless Steel, and this is because of its versatile nature.
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